Photo Friday is a quick blog capturing skiers on the slopes. It’s a journal of present and past photographs captured from resorts across North America.
Here the skier (JF Beaulieu) is skiing quickly down a black run doing short radius turns. The reason he is “in the air” is not because of a bump but rather he’s created something called “Impulse“. He’s used his joints laterally into the hill on the turn before this photo was taken to create force (all joints loading, absorbing, controlling) – This is impulse !
It’s similar to a trampoline effect where creating force with an impulse (force applied over time) to create a dynamic direction change (for ever force, there’s an equal and opposite reaction). By quickly moving his lower joints in the new direction, our skier gets a rebound or impulse effect going in the opposite direction. The result is what you see in the photo.
When we create impulse, we can rebound into the air OR absorb the energy to remain on the surface of the snow. Either way, it’s fun, it’s dynamic, and it’s exciting.
Wuppp Wuppp !
Some of the Biomechanics principles at play:
- MaximumForce (All Joints, loading, absorbing, controlling)
- Impulse (Force applied over time)
- Direction (For ever force, there’s an equal and opposite reaction)

Skier Bio
- Director, Mont-Sainte-Anne Wintersports School, Québec Canada
- Director, Rookie Academy Ski and Snowboard
- Head Coach, Canadian Program, Rookie Academy Ski and Snowboard Instructor Training Program, Treble Cone, New-Zealand
- Canadian Ski Instructor’s Alliance level 4 examiner
- Canadian Ski Coaches Federation level 3
- 3 X CSIA Interski demo team member in Korea 2007, Austria 2011, Bulgaria 2019
- Assistant Coach for CSIA High Performance Ski Team in 2015
- French National Ski Instructor
Type of Turns
Here, our skier (JF Beaulieu) is on a Black-Run doing short-radius turns.
Time of Year
This photo was taken in April 8th at 10:13am at Mont Ste Anne ski resort in Quebec City, Canada
The photo was captured during mid morning day on La Crête (The Ridge) slope (Black diamond run)

Snow Conditions
Conditions were groomed firm.
Camera Settings
- Camera: Canon 7D
- Canon Zoom Lens: 70-200mm
- Focal Length: 95mm
- ISO: 200
- Aperture: f/5.0
- Shutter: 1/1600 sec
Knowing and understanding that your subject can create impulse in their skiing is good information. Knowing where the skier is going to look dynamic and perhaps “in the air” makes for a fun photo.
Before I left the top of the hill to get situated down below, I told JF to “Let it Rip”… and that he did !
Andrew Elsdon
Resource Links
- Website Link to Mont Ste Anne Trail Map
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