Have you ever wondered where you might be in your skiing level of competency? Are we just beginning the journey or perhaps trying to master a certain component of the ski world?
Generally speaking, there are four levels of competency and how we cognitively grasp them.
4-Levels of Competency
- 1.Unconscious Incompetence
- Wrong Intuition
- We don’t know what we don’t know
- IE: “Why can’t I turn my skis when I want to?”

- 2.Conscious Incompetence
- Wrong Analysis
- We begin to recognize what we’re missing
- IE: “I think I now know what is required to turn my skis but can’t quite get it!”

- 3.Conscious Competence
- Right Analysis
- We cognitively know what to do and begin to become competent
- IE: “I’m starting to ‘get it’ and beginning to know why

- 4.Unconscious Competence
- Right Intuition
- We no longer have to think about it while performing. It happens without having to think about it.
- IE: “Wow, that was an easy run and I didn’t even have to think about it!”